Easiest DIY Bow Ever!
I bought a beautiful lit wreath for Christmas that I really love the look of. I love the flocking, and the LED lights that have a battery pack, but it was missing something. I had some ribbon on hand from years past but that was about it. I decided to make a bow with just things on hand!
This bow is so easy and you only need two things! Wire ribbon and a bread tie! If you have your own wire, that’s great too!
- Determine how big you want your bow and cut a length of ribbon. It’s up to you!

2. Peel paper off of the bread tie.

3. Fold ribbon back and forth, there should 4 layers total. Place wire in the middle of the ribbon.

4. Pinch the middle of the ribbon and twist wire to secure the wire loop around the middle of the ribbon.

5. Fluff out the loops of the bow and straighten the tails. Fold the ends of the tails of the ribbon and cut a corn off (the fold of the corner, see in the picture). This creates a beautiful look for the tail.

6. Secure the bow to a wreath with another bread tie wire!