How I Like Start Every Day
My morning breakfast has changed so changed so much over the years. But honestly, when you are a teenager, you can eat cereal and toast and hot chocolate, pretty much anything. And it’s almost the same in your twenties! But for me, by the time I hit 30 my body was NOT happy doing that sort of thing. It probably was even earlier when I should have been paying more attention to the fuel my poor body was consuming which is why my body had had enough. I have finally found something that my body is thanking me for and that actually makes me happy every morning.
The first thing I do every morning after waking up is drink a large 16 oz glass of water and a hydration pack. I drink these. I don’t drink any caffeine, as weird as that sounds! I find that I feel LESS tired when I don’t drink caffeine. And let me tell you, that has been a journey in itself! I will have to write a separate post about that, haha.
After I drink my morning electrolytes, I make a shake. Every. Single. Day! I know that I am getting everything I need to fuel my body and have a great rest of the day when I do this. I don’t chop a bunch of veggies and do a lot of prep because I have 5 kids and my mornings get hectic. I know that if I keep things simple at this time of my life, it will be sustainable. That’s just my reality. I use this protein powder: here. If you have read my blog, you know that I am dairy-free. That’s just what my body likes best. I love this protein powder in a shake! But, if you just add water and try to mix it up, it doesn’t mix that well. So know that if you want to try it, it tastes best blended. I add whatever fruits and veggies I have on hand and a tablespoon of flaxseed. I will often always add frozen berries, like raspberries and blueberries and frozen avocado or a handful of spinach! Did you know you could buy frozen avocado cubes?! I didn’t know either until recently. Check out your store and see if you can find some! It can be really easy. Those are somethings I do but you can really add whatever fruits and veggies help your body feel fueled. The fat from the avocado and the flaxseed will help you feel full longer. One of the best purchases I have ever made is my Ninja blender! This thing brings me so my joy! And I will say that I have never had an easier time making a shake! It’s so easy it’s ridiculous!

Morning Wake-Up Shake
- 8-10 oz water or coconut water
- 2 scoops Protein powder I use the KOS brand
- 1/2 cup Frozen or fresh fruit
- 1/2 cup Frozen or fresh avacodo or spinach
- 1 tbsp Flaxseed