Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate
I once read that being dehydrated makes you tired because your blood gets thicker and that’s what makes you sluggish. Being dehydrated makes you feel hungrier and eat more. Being dehydrated makes your skin and lips dry. Being dehydrated can cause other health problems that are no fun. And yet, I always seem to be dehydrated.I found this amazing water bottle online. When I saw this water bottle on Amazon, I knew it would help me stay on track with drinking water throughout the day. Until it came in the mail, I didn’t realize how huge it would be! I was a little worried I wouldn’t be able to drink this much a day. I thought it might make me feel water logged and feel sick. I would soon find out whether this was a bust or something that would solve my dehydration problem. The night before I wanted to start my little experiment, I added some ice and filled the rest of the bottle up to the top with water. I made room in the fridge. I actually had to move a shelf but I figured I will make drinking from this bottle a daily routine and so it will be worth it. My mornings are hectic and I know that it will be much easier to get the bottle ready the night before, or it might not happen at all.
I slept in on the first day I planned to start drinking, and unsurprisingly I felt slightly dehydrated. I woke up at 9 am and felt that I was in over my head. I had to drink to the 9 am line. I was surprised to find that it was relatively easy to drink to the 9 am line. I actually felt energy!
I had no trouble at all drinking the entire gallon. The times helped me stay on track. I don’t know why it works so well, but it does! Mission accomplished, dehydration eliminated.
One of the things that surprised me about the bottle was the straw. It is designed so well. It has a spout that sticks up but pushes easily down when you close the lid. I love the handle and it seems like it will hold up well over time.
I plan on washing the bottle every night before filling it up and storing it in the fridge for the morning. Water bottles can collect a lot of bacteria during the day, so it’s best to wash them frequently.
I love this bottle so much! This is one Amazon purchase I do not regret.