The Dishwasher Fix You Might Need
One day, I had had enough of my dishes coming out worse than when they went in. After doing a bunch of internet research, and looking at my dishwasher manual, I realized that my dishwasher had a filter! And that the filter needed to be cleaned out routinely! I had no idea!

You can see from the picture where my filter is. With a simple twist and very gently cleaning it and reinserting, my dishwasher problems went away! Your filter may be more or less dirty. When I first discovered that I needed to clean my filter, my filter was very dirty! Now, your problems might not be that simple to solve, but you should have seen how awful my filter was! It’s no wonder cleaning it fixed my problems. Even if you’re not having problems, it’s a good idea to clean it about every month or so, more or less depending on how often you use your dishwasher, etc I suggest checking it every week or so, until you get an idea of how often it needs to be cleaned. I personally love cleaning mine, hahaha. I never use any cleaners or rough materials. I gently rinse it and wipe it gently with a cloth if it needs more attention. You could use a Q-tip if it needed cleaned in greater detail. It’s always a good idea to read what your dishwasher manual says about the filter to be on the safe side. Now my dishwasher is happy, so am I!