Back-to-school, routines…oh my! (free printable)
Summer is about over in our house! It seems we may be starting school a bit later than most schools. Back-to-school means a lot of things but one of them is getting back into routines! It kind of stresses me out, in a “will my kids really hate getting back to routine?!” kind of way! But as most of you know, kids LOVE routine!
A bit before bed I made this printable, printed it and I am about to laminate it. It’s so fun when your printable is hot off the presses! Do you have a laminator? I love mine so much! I don’t get it out every day or anything, but I am so happy I have it whenever I need it. We used the printable even before I laminated it, that’s how valuable it’s going to be. My kids love going through the list at night time (thankfully). We just tape it right to the bathroom mirror. As the year goes on, they will probably not be so thrilled about it or forget about it, but it’s really going to be helpful for the next few weeks as we get back in the swing of things.
Routine is so helpful for getting kids to sleep at night. Routine is not something that is just good for kids. I feel so much relief when I know the important things have been done before bed. It’s really comforting!
I didn’t make something that you can edit but I hope this is something helpful for you! Break out the laminator (or use a plastic sleeve) and spend 15 minutes before bed doing a routine and you won’t regret it.